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"" Guide is a great way for students to express themselves in the target language.

It's totally free, easy-to-use, and kids can show their creativity while demonstrating their language prowess!

"" Guide

Need a Tool to Boost Student Language Expression?

Get Instant Access to Our ' Guide' and Transform Your Classroom!

Hi, I'm Scott.

I'm a teacher just like you!

I've been using comprehension-based methods to teach language for over 20 years.

My journey with Comprehensible Input has led me to, a fantastic platform that I've integrated into my day-to-day teaching.

Over the years, I've seen how crucial it is for students to not only learn a language but to actively use it in creative and meaningful ways. has been a game-changer in this aspect.

In my CI classroom, has opened up a world of expression for students. It's fascinating to see them showcase their language skills in such a dynamic environment, where they can be themselves and let their creativity flow.

This platform isn't just about language practice; it's about giving students a voice in their target language, fostering both confidence and competence.

Through trial and experimentation, I've gathered some invaluable insights on using effectively, which I'm eager to share with you in my guide.

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Incredible Organizations I've Worked With...

The Agent Workshop
CI in the Mitten
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Clark County School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
ES 16

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