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"Reading Strategies" Guide

In this guide, I talk about how to read comprehensibly, how to engage students in the reading, different types of reading, as well as a few follow-up activities.

Download the guide and be ready for your next reading activity!

Reading Strategies Guide

Need Fresh Ideas for Your Reading Activities?

Unlock Effective Strategies with Your Free 'Reading Strategies' Guide!

Hi, I'm Scott.

I'm a teacher just like you!

I've been using comprehension-based methods to teach language for over 20 years.

Throughout my teaching career, I've honed the art of making reading both comprehensible and engaging.

My journey has taught me that reading isn't just about words on a page; it's about connecting with the content, understanding the context, and fostering a love for language.

In every reading session, I've experimented with different strategies - from interactive read-alouds to collaborative discussions, ensuring each student connects with the material.

I've seen how varied reading techniques can cater to different learning styles, and how follow-up activities solidify comprehension.

Through these experiences, I've compiled key insights into my "Reading Strategies" guide, designed to help you navigate and improve your reading classes.

This guide is packed with practical, proven strategies.

Let's read!


Incredible Organizations I've Worked With...

The Agent Workshop
CI in the Mitten
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Clark County School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
ES 16

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