Unlock fluency and make every verb unforgettable – dive into One-Verb Stories today!

Learn with Me!

Comprehension-based Webinars, Courses, Workshops & Coaching

Scott Benedict

Fast-Track Your Success: Learn Smarter, Not Harder!

Unleash Your True Potential with Training & Coaching that Deliver Results!

It's time to flip the script on learning.

Join me for an adrenaline-pumping ride through courses and coaching that pack a punch. I'll guide you with methods that make sense, ensuring you absorb every ounce of knowledge.

Are you up for the challenge?

I know you are!

Check out our courses, webinars, workshops & coaching below!

Scott Benedict

I've worked with...

The Agent Workshop
CI in the Mitten
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Clark County School District
Minneapolis Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
ES 16

Crush It in the Classroom: Master CI Techniques for FREE!

"Sing. Talk. Read. - The Road to Proficiency": This isn’t just a masterclass, it’s YOUR ticket to revolutionizing how you teach.

Top-Tier Courses: Skill Mastery Unleashed!

Revolutionize Your Teaching with Game-Changing CI Techniques, Classroom Management, and Mastery in Engagement & Grading

Get ready to level up your teaching game with our epic CI courses! We're here to revolutionize your classroom management, skyrocket student engagement, and perfect proficiency-based grading. This is the transformation you've been waiting for. Ready to join us in shaking up language education? Let's go!

Webversity Course

Webversity Course

Unlock your full potential with our flagship Webversity Course

Dive deep into the world of comprehension-based instruction with our comprehensive Webversity course. Designed for teachers committed to fostering meaningful student relationships and effective classroom management, this course spans over 30 hours of detailed instruction. You'll explore a wide array of CI techniques and strategies, alongside proficiency-based grading approaches that promise to revolutionize your teaching methods. With the added value of monthly LIVE! Q&A sessions, this flagship course is your gateway to becoming a more impactful and inspired teacher.

  • 30+ Hours of Instruction: Covering all key aspects of CI.

  • Monthly LIVE! Q&As: August-May support.

  • Expert Instructor: Over 20 years of CI classroom experience.

  • Flexible Learning: Fits busy schedules.

  • University Credit Available: Advance qualifications.

C Summer Camp

CI Summer Camp

Supercharge your teaching at CI Summer Camp

Get ready to crush it with CI Summer Camp! It's more than just a deep dive – it's a game-changing journey. We're talking a 10-session webinar series that's gonna flip your language classes on their head. You're gonna empower your students like never before, sparking real talk and authentic language acquisition. This is where you level up, engage like a boss, and transform your teaching game. Let's go!

  • Expert-Led Sessions

  • Practical CI Strategies

  • Live and On-Demand Access

  • Exclusive Resources

  • Summer Professional Growth

C Summer Camp
Back-to-School Bootcamp

Back-to-School Bootcamp

Crush the new school year with our Bootcamp

Listen up, educators! It's time to flip the script on back-to-school prep. The Back-to-School Bootcamp is not just a game-changer; it's the playbook you need to dominate your classroom game. Let's make this year the MVP season of your teaching career!

  • Dynamic Layouts: Optimize learning spaces.

  • Smooth Operations: Craft seamless classroom routines.

  • Discipline Mastery: Effortless behavior management.

  • Innovative Lessons: Captivate and educate.

  • Impactful Evenings: Nail Back-to-School Night.

Dynamic Discipline

Dynamic Discipline

Crush classroom chaos with Dynamic Discipline!

Dive deep into the game-changing strategies of Dynamic Discipline and revolutionize your teaching vibe. This isn't about just managing; it's about leading with impact, connecting deeply, and sparking that fire in every student. You've got this, and we've got you. Let's transform your classroom from battleground to a powerhouse of progress and passion. Ready to be the teacher you were born to be? Let's do this!

  • Lead, Don't Control: Elevate your game.

  • Engagement Mastery: Captivate and conquer.

  • Adapt & Win: Every class, every time.

  • Authority + Heart: Earn respect, build trust.

  • Universal Toolkit: Teach anything, anywhere.

Dynamic Discipline
Assessment Academy

Assessment Academy

Revolutionize your classroom with Assessment Mastery!

Ditch the grading nightmares! Jump into the Assessment Academy and switch up your game. It's not just about grades; it's about real progress, real skills, real talk. Make assessments your superpower. Let's crush it together!

  • Time Hack Grading: Slash hours, boost impact.

  • Rubrics That Rock: Precision meets consistency.

  • Speak & Listen Like a Pro: Assess with confidence.

  • Tech Game Strong: Easy tools, major wins.

  • Live It, Love It: Transform teaching, ignite success.

Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics

Unleash Your CI Game: No Excuses, Just Results!

Dive headfirst into "Beyond the Basics" and transform your CI skills from solid to straight-up legendary. This course ain't just another run-of-the-mill seminar; it's your ticket to becoming the CI master your students need. No fluff, just hardcore strategies to skyrocket student engagement and comprehension. Let's get it!

  • Crush It with Advanced CI: Level-up your teaching game.

  • Engagement on Steroids: Hook every student.

  • Customize Like a Boss: Target individual needs.

  • Fluency Fast Track: Accelerate language skills.

  • Unleash Your CI Game: No Excuses, Just Results! Reach every learner.

Beyond the Basics

No Dollars Down: Our Free CI Tools are Your Rocket Fuel!

Hey Mavericks, Innovators, and Trailblazers! Gear up to blast past limits with our zero-cost CI resources. Let's get it, FOR FREE!

Next-Level Webinars: Unlock Success!

Dominate the Classroom: Unleash the Power of Game-Changing Webinars!

Crush it in class! Dive into our webinars for game-changing CI tactics that hook students on learning. Own the room, ditch disruptions. Turn grading into a power move. Dominate tech for epic lessons. Skyrocket engagement with our comprehension methods. Don't just teach—be a classroom hero. Let's go!

3 Simple & Easy Speaking Assessments

3 Simple & Easy Speaking Assessments

Beyond Time-Outs

Beyond Time-Outs

CI Techniques that will Blow Your Mind!

CI Techniques that will Blow Your Mind!



Crazy Convos!

Crazy Convos!

Culturally Responsive Language Teaching

Culturally Responsive Language Teaching

Dynamic Classroom Activities

Dynamic Classroom Activities

Implementing CI in the Classroom

Implementing CI in the Classroom

Murder 101

Murder 101



Participation in a Proficiency-based World

Participation in a Proficiency-based World

Plan with Me!

Plan with Me!

Plan with Me! - ChatGPT Edition

Plan with Me! - ChatGPT Edition

Power of Personalization

Power of Personalization

Proficiency vs Performance

Proficiency vs Performance

Proficiency-based Grading

Proficiency-based Grading

Quick & Easy Writing Assessments

Quick & Easy Writing Assessments

Reading Strategies

Reading Strategies

Sing. Talk. Read.

Sing. Talk. Read.

Sweet 16

Sweet 16

Taking Your Grading to the Next Level!

Taking Your Grading to the Next Level!

Crafting Reading Assessments

Crafting Reading Assessments

Writing Assessment Techniques

Writing Assessment Techniques

Designing Rubrics

Designing Rubrics

Tech Tools for Assessment

Tech Tools for Assessment

Unlock Unlimited Learning:

Join the Webinar Club Revolution!

Ditch Single Buys, Embrace Endless Growth for One Low Monthly Fee!

Ready to turbocharge your professional journey? Say goodbye to the hassle of buying webinars one by one. Webinar Club is here to flip the script! For a small monthly price, dive into an ocean of knowledge with UNLIMITED access to every webinar in our vault. Rewatch, revisit, reignite your passion for learning anytime, anywhere. And guess what? The library keeps growing every month with fresh, cutting-edge webinars designed to keep you on top of your game. Welcome to the future of professional development – where your potential knows no bounds!

Unlock Beast Mode with Our Workshops – Let's Go!

Dominate the Classroom with Custom PD – No Excuses, Just Results!

Ready to skyrocket your professional development?

Dive into Immediate Immersion's dynamic workshops and webinars – tailored to YOU!

Whether you're looking to jazz up your department's skills or amp up your own teaching game, we've got you covered with customizable, comprehensive training sessions. From half-day sprints to full-blown multi-day marathons, we're talking assessment, grading, classroom management, and CI strategies that will blow your mind and boost your teaching to epic new heights.

And hey, if online's your jam, we're serving up custom webinars that you can jump into from anywhere – all you need is that sweet internet connection. It's like having the world's best PD in your living room, minus the travel hassle and extra costs.

Get in. Get smart. Get ahead. Immediate Immersion is where teachers become legends. Let's GO!

Level Up with an Immediate Immersion Workshop

Unlock Exclusive Professional Development,

Tailor-Made for Your Crew!

Looking to Ignite Your Team’s Potential and Set Your School Ablaze? Time for Straight Talk – Scott’s Immediate Immersion workshops are the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.

Dive deep into comprehensible input or proficiency-based grading or let's craft a made-to-order session to hit your goals right on the mark. Scott is your go-to.

At a cool $2K per day, you're signing up for more than just insights; you're securing an all-in experience, with travel included for those in-the-flesh sessions.

On a tighter budget? No drama! Scott's digital webinars are a steal at $600 a day.

Geared up to revolutionize your educational atmosphere? Jump on the Workshop Request Form, and let’s kickstart this transformation. Immediate Immersion is about to redefine your educational game!

Master the Classroom with Unmatched Confidence!

Flip the Script on Classroom Chaos

It’s time to level-up your teaching game! Ditch the old-school rules and embrace the revolution with ‘Speak Softly, Manage Boldly’. This isn’t just an ebook; it’s your roadmap to transforming chaos into harmony, disinterest into engagement. Dive into 61 pages of pure gold, packed with actionable steps, reflection questions, and real-world strategies designed to turn you into the master of your classroom. Got $7? Invest in your transformation today and watch your teaching career skyrocket. Let’s crush it together!

Next-Level Teaching Unlocked!

Personalized Coaching That Transforms!

Step Into Your Power – Elevate, Innovate, and Inspire Beyond Limits!

Tailored Strategies just for YOU!

You've got this, and I'm here to help you unlock your full teaching potential.

We're gonna roll up our sleeves and dive into the nitty-gritty together. I'm talking about dialing in your CI game so every lesson pops, transforming grading into a tool that genuinely reflects student growth, and turning classroom management into your secret weapon.

We're not just aiming for good; we're aiming for mind-blowing.

I'm in your corner, ready to coach you through every step, every strategy, until you're smashing your teaching goals like a true champion.

This is about you stepping up and owning that classroom. Let's make it happen!

  • 1 90-min session - $187

  • 3 90-min sessions - $287

  • 5 90-min sessions - $387

  • 10 90-min sessions - $587

Grading & Assessment

Grading & Assessment

Listen, grading and assessment, they've got this bad rep, right? But here's the thing – they're not the villains of the story. Flip the script! These tools? They're your secret weapon. They're how you level up as a teacher. I'm here to break it down for you, make it crystal clear how you can roll out a proficiency-based grading and assessment system. And guess what? It's gonna be straightforward, no BS. This is about getting real results, making you the MVP in your students' learning journey. Let’s dive in and transform the game.

Building a CI/TPRS Program

Building a CI/TPRS Program

If you really wanna crush it in language acquisition, there's nothing - and I mean NOTHING - that beats comprehensible input. It's the secret sauce, the gold standard. Think about it, it's how we all nailed our first language! But, I get it, change freaks people out. Ditching those textbooks, those endless vocab lists, and all those confusing grammar rules? Sounds insane, but stick with me here. We’re gonna dive deep into a world where proficiency is king, using a killer comprehension-based strategies. It’s not just about changing the game; it’s about revolutionizing the way students and teachers approach language learning. Let’s get it!

Classroom Management

Classroom Management

Let's get straight to it: Classroom management is a total energy sucker. Most of us are just not cutting it. You're probably thinking, "Why can't these kids just behave?" Wishing for a magic fix? Spoiler alert: It doesn't exist. But here's the deal - the real secret sauce isn't about stricter rules. It's about getting real with your students, building genuine connections. That's your power move.

And don't sweat it, I've got your back with some killer strategies to keep the learning maxed and distractions to a minimum. Let's make this happen.

Curriculum Building

Curriculum Building

We're not playing the old school game anymore. This is the 21st Century, people. It's time to wake up and realize that those dusty textbooks aren't going to cut it. We're in a world where speaking multiple languages is not just cool, it's essential. I'm here to tell you, it's all about mixing it up – using every tool in the box to build a curriculum that's as dynamic as the world around us. We're focusing on what matters: high-frequency vocab and grammar, combined with a killer reading program that's going to skyrocket your students’ proficiency. Let's go!

Ditch the Panic: Your Emergency Sub Plan Lifesaver!

Swipe Our Secret Weapon: No-Prep Sub Plans That Change The Game!

Scott here. I've been in the trenches, teaching language for 20+ epic years. I know the drill – you're hustling, shaping minds, and then BAM! Life happens. You gotta dash, but class can't crash. That's why I cooked up the ultimate no-prep sub plans. These aren't just plans; they're your classroom's lifeline when you're out. Easy-to-use, engaging, and crafted from real-deal experience. They keep the learning fire burning, no matter what. Dive in, and let's make every day count!

Frequently-Asked Questions

You've got questions? We've got answers.

Why Should I Bet on Your Courses?

Because you're not just 'betting'—you're investing in a proven track record of transforming classrooms across the globe. Immediate Immersion isn't a gamble; it's a guaranteed win for your teaching game.

What Makes Your CI Techniques Stand Out?

Think of it as the difference between a flashlight and a lighthouse. Other programs might give you a glimpse, but our CI techniques are the blazing beacon guiding you to mastery. We're not just different; we're game-changers.

Can I Really Fit This Training Into My Crazy Schedule?

Absolutely. Our courses are like Netflix for professional development—on your time, your schedule. You've got a few hours? We'll make them count.

Is This Just Another Trendy Educational Fad?

No way. We're not about fads; we're about fundamentals. Comprehensible Input isn't new—it's time-tested and teacher-approved. We're bringing the roots of language acquisition into the 21st century.

What If I'm Not Tech-Savvy?

No tech genius required. If you can hit 'play,' you're more than equipped. Plus, our support team is like your personal IT department—here to help you crush it, no stress.

Will I See Real Results in My Classroom?

Yes, and not just 'results'—we're talking transformation. Teachers who dive in with us see engagement skyrocket, proficiency soar, and their own passion for teaching reignite.

What's the Catch With the Free Stuff?

No catch, just value. You'll be automatically subscribed to our tips and tricks, but you can unsubscribe at any time.

We're so confident in what we offer, we're putting our money where our mouth is. Free resources are our way of saying, 'Welcome to the revolution.'

Can I Really Make a Difference With This Training?

100%. This isn't just about teaching differently; it's about making a tangible impact in your students' lives. You're not just an educator; you're a catalyst for change.

What's the Community Like?

Imagine a tribe of educators, all fired up and ready to transform education. That's us. Supportive, dynamic, and a little bit rebellious. You're not just joining a program; you're joining a movement.

Why Should I Trust You?

Because I've been in your shoes. Over twenty years in the trenches, constantly learning, evolving, and now, sharing it all with you. This isn't just my profession; it's my passion. Let's not just teach; let's make history.

Still have questions? Contact us!

Recommended Videos:

5 Misconceptions About Comprehensible Input: What Every Language Teacher Should Know
Starting Day 1 in the Target Language
Why is the minimum F SO controversial?

Recommended Articles:

Forget to take our CI Proficiency Quiz?

Take it now and discover your CI proficiency!

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